
Proxima Centauri

Emil Rudvi, Johan Osbjer
Pass 1
Fr 10:00 -  Fr 15:00
Pass 3
Fr 22:00 -  Lö 03:00
Pass 5
Lö 16:00 -  Lö 21:00
Pass 6
Lö 22:00 -  Sö 03:00

"We need to call for aid. The planet seems to be damned. Daylight doesn´t shine on this planet anymore. There isn´t a soul that´s safe from the cruel madness of the Generals, you are their last hope. We will head out in the night to leave our humble homes. Ones again, we see a new day that rises. We stare at Proxima Centauri from our Battleship knowing that time doesn´t heal all the wounds the people suffered. We shall return when we have built a legion that can crush the General once and for all."

Play the four legacies forming the council of Proxima, build up your battleships and merge back to Proxima and bring order and peace to your planet. This is a game filled with surprises and wicked turns. Play with or against your opponents.