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"What is victory? Is it to defeat your enemy on the field of battle? Is it to simply repulse his armies and slay his misguided warriors? No, this is only the very beginning! True victory is to crush your foes utterly, to shatter his armoured legions and run down his fleeing troops as they scatter. Pursue them to their lairs and burn them out. Burst into his unholy temples, smash down his icons and topple his foul idols. Burn his heretical works and leave no stone upon stone. Slaughter his followers, their families and their livestock. Lest any of their taint remain. And when that is done put the ruins to the torch.

Any that have dealt with them or given them succour must be obliterated, for memory is insidious and though you have crushed their will and their bodies, they may yet return. Send warrior scribes to excise the records of their name, expunge their deeds from the annals of history and remove even the memory of your foes existence. Only then have you truly won.This is the meaning of victory."

-Warhammer 40 000

Arméstorlek: 1500 poäng. Officiella regelböcker och ”Chapter approved” gäller (dock inte vehicle construction rules).
Bedömning: 4 matcher var spelas under konventet. Poängbedömning på målning, armésammansättning och victorypoints. De 4 bästa spelarna går vidare till semi-final.
Ta med: En egen armé, tärningar och papper som är väsentliga för armén


Arrangör: Tomas Lagerström,
Anmälan & kostnad: Föranmälan samt skicka namn och armélista till arrangören, eller Tomas Lagerström, Femkampsgatan 7, 707 25 Örebro. Kostnad 50 kr per deltagare
Speltillfällen: Kontinuerligt under hela konventet
Antal spelare: 2 per bord, ca 6 bord per omgång
Senaste utgåvan av WH40K reglerna.
Förkunskaper: Kunna WH40K reglerna


Warhammer 40K: Last Stand at Masthuggskörka
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Warhammer 40K
Space Hulk

Judgment Day
Fistful of TOWs
Kellys Hjältar
Warhammer 40K Hidden
Slaget vid Gadebusch 1712
Micro Modernt
Blod & Mod
Stars n' Bars

Western: Draw Stranger

Rollspel och lajvBrädspelFigurspelKortspelAnnat kulAllmän information Nyheter!SitemapTill förstasidan

© Föreningen GothCon 2001. Webb-babe: Sus Lundgren,