Warmachine - Demo

Wizard Games
Löpande under hela konventet (Fr 10:00-Sö 15:00)
Warmachine Prime MkII (Läs mer på www.privateerpress.com)
0 kr
WARMACHINE puts players directly onto the battlefield as Warcasters with their armies clashing in epic battles. A game is fought with the thundering cannons, ripping iron claws, and crushing hammer blows of the giant steam-powered warjacks as well as the devastating spells wrought by the Warcasters themselves and the lethal weapons of their warriors. When the dust settles, one side is victorious—and the other is nothing but smoking scrap metal!

Warmachine är ett av världens snabbast växande figurspel. Spelet har satt en helt ny standard och håller på att omdefiniera innebörden av Tabletop Gaming. Ta chansen att testa detta banbrytande spel du också!

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